Beginner Kripalu Yoga

Tuesdays, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Wednesdays, 5:00-6:30 PM

This class teaches basic breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation and beginner poses. The perfect class for those new to the practice of yoga, and those who want a deeper understanding of the fundamentals.

Intermediate Kripalu Yoga

Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 PM

Introduction of advanced breathing techniques (pranayama), and longer holdings in more challenging poses, guiding students to deeply explore asana as a doorway to the practice of inner awareness.

$25/90-minute class

Class size limited to 7 students; new students may begin at any time.

Priority given to students who register in advance for 6 classes. Drop-in students welcome as space allows.

Call or email me to register for a class, or pay online below ($5 processing fee included in online payment)

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Private Classes

Private yoga classes are taught in my studio, at your home, or virtually over the zoom platform, catering to your specific needs or interests. Private classes are perfect for:

  • Those who are new to yoga but cannot attend the regularly scheduled classes or simply prefer a one on one experience

  • The seasoned practictioner who would like to explore any aspect of yoga more completely

  • Students who need a therapeutic approach to overcoming chronic pain, anxiety and depression

If you are living with chronic pain, either physical or emotional, yoga can help. Learn techniques to manage your mood or attend to a particular physical limitation.

call or email me to schedule a private yoga class

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